(contact: maud@fontenoy.com)
The Yole Regatta Marseilles in which Maud raced her yole "Action" and Vieux greements et bateaux de tradition "Rencontres du Fleuve et de la Mer" Regates et parades Juillet 2004 a Port Saint Louis du Rhone    (Photos: Jacques de-Rostolan ... click for slideshow)
Maud Fontenoy is presented with the key to Fontenoy-la-Joûte    (Photos: P. Jacquemin ... click for slideshow)
Imagine if Maud encountered this "Majesty of the seas" ocean liner
... she would think she was dreaming!!!
Smurfette & Papa Smurf??
(Photo: Francois Zanella & friends . . . click photo for story)
Nearly a year after Maud started her 117 day row from Saint Pierre to La Coruna ...
As a complete contrast to her painfully slow voyage on the surface of the sea
she spent a weekend soaring like a bird in the air thanks to Walter Simonson ...
info on Janus glider ... manufactured by Schempp-Hirth

(Photos: Benoit Tessier et Walter Simonson)(thanks: Jacques de Rostolan)
(Click collage for photos ...)

... Marley Magic


MONDIAL AIR BALLONS - Lorraine 2005 . . . VIDEO ... download . . . . (France 3)
(sorry I ran out of space but the helpful guys at AvaHost gave me some more so you can now download the video) This festival lasts ten days and includes two shows per day and five special evening events… The Lorraine sky will be ablaze with the colour of a multitude of hot-air balloons.
From the 22nd to the 31st of July 2005
(If anyone has a couple of good photos of Maud at the festival they would like me to display on planetsea.com please email them to row@fastmail.fm ... thanks Robert)
The 9th 'Mondial Air Ballons - Lorraine 2005' festival will bring a thousand balloon teams from 67 different countries and 5 continents to the Chambley Air Base (Meurthe-et-Moselle). This event, the biggest international balloon event in the world, has been held every two years since 1989. The spectacle this year will be more impressive than ever with two hot-air balloon flights per day, 'in a line' take-offs, balloon inflating spectacles at night, open-air projections of legendary aeronautical films, and introductory flights in hot-air balloons, aeroplanes, helicopters and microlights… Numerous surprises and innovations await spectators, including visits by celebrity guests who will share their passion for ballooning with the public. This free event will be spread over 500 hectares, at the heart of the Lorraine regional nature reserve, just 2 and a half hours from Paris and an hour and a half from the border countries (Luxembourg, Germany and Belgium). A wonderful spectacle - to be consumed without moderation.

A closer look at the highlights and new events lined up for this year's festival (the 9th in its history), which will again light up the Lorraine sky with a blaze of colour.
- Two daily balloon flights (6.30am and 6.30pm)
- Nocturnal balloon inflating session (Wednesday, July 27 from 10pm onwards) - a simply magical spectacle, with the balloons lit up against the night sky.
- Gas and hot-air balloon competitions (from Monday to Friday)
- Legendary cinema: open-air projections of three major aeronautical films: Saturday, July 23: "The Stolen Airship", a Czech film by Karel Zeman; Thursday, July 28 July: "La Terre vue du ciel (the Earth from Above)" by Renaud Delourme and on Saturday, July 30: "Con Air" (12 and over) by Simon West, all at 10pm.
- An aeronautical surprise: everyday, a famous guest will come and share his/her passion and adventures with the public, journalists and sponsors.
- Introductory flights in a hot-air balloon, helicopter, microlight, aeroplane and parachute…Thrills and spills that will take your breath away!
- des invités prestigieux tels que les navigateurs Marc Tiercelin, Loïc Perron et ...
Innovations for 2005 ...
- An official attempt at the world record for the biggest 'in a line' take-off: a premiere, and a unique spectacle on a 3,000 metre long track. Two different attempts to break the record will be made on separate evenings: Saturday, July 23 and Saturday July 30 from 6.30pm onwards.
- Three special events: a tribute to Pilâtre de Rozier (Sunday, July 24 and Saturday, July 30 from 6pm onwards), a photo and illustration competition on the theme of the 'Siècle des Lumières' (18th century) and the 'conquest of the sky', a spectacular release of 2,005 balloons into the Lorraine sky (Saturday, July 30).

Contact: Mondial Air Ballons – Lorraine 2005 ... Tel: 33 (0) 3 87 64 08 08 ...
Maud Fontenoy and Alain Gauthier baptise the Robinson by the traditional breaking of a bouteille de champagne on the bow ...   Maud enjoyed the privilege of being the first to board the Robinson.
The Robinson was constructed by students from schools Louis Hachette and Joliot-Curie under the patronage of Maud Fontenoy.

(Click collage for full story and photos ...)
Maud, visited Doctor Nicole Delepine's paediatric oncology ward at the Hôpital Avicenne in Bobigny on Tuesday April 20th accompanied by Jacques de Rostolan. Maud's account of her adventure was received enthusiastically and many questions were asked about her voyage. But it was the visitors who received the most beautiful lesson about life from the doctors, nurses, teacher, nurse's aide and organizer... by the devotion, warmth and love with which they surrounded the young patients who showed such courage and cheerfulness in facing what Maud compared to her crossing of the Atlantic ...
Cancer Links:  

QuackWatch     ChemoTherapy    

OverView     OncoLink    

Robert's thoughts on:

"alternative" versus "medical establishment"

Photos: Martine Roynel

Cluster Quackery?? Naomi
Jacques de Rostolan and some friends of Maud on her voyage arranged to make up a book where many of the people who encouraged Maud during her epic row across the North Atlantic contributed a page on the theme "Living your dreams"
The book was presented to Maud at Chez Clément 21 Bd Beaumarchais on jeudi 8 avril vers 12h30.
It looks like it was a pleasent surprise for Maud ... Robert

Click collage for slideshow ... Photos: Jérôme Marcillet
Buy Maud's book at:     Amazon     Alapage     FNAC        (Click collage for slide show)

(top) Maud and Sonia Poussin have Alexandre Poussin on the ropes at the launch of Maud's book in the Salon du Livre Paris.
Sonia and Alexandre criss crossed Africa on foot trekking 14000 Km in 3 years and 3 months ...
La traversée de l’Afrique à pied par Alexandre et Sonia Poussin. 3 ans et 3 mois d’aventure pour parcourir 14 000 kms à travers 10 pays. Alexandre et Sonia Poussin sont partis le 1er janvier 2001 de la pointe du Cap de Bonne Espérance, à l’extrême sud de l’Afrique, avec en tête, comme destination finale, le lac de Tibériade en Israël. Leur projet fou : traverser le continent à pied en suivant la grande fracture du rift !

(Photos of Maud's book launch kindly supplied by Pierre Gatellier, Photos of mermaid on rock reading Maud's book and mermaid modeling Maud's book thanks to Laffont publicity)

In the 102FM Web page click on RadioLive

(to read text on page)

(click photo)    DIE? COKE
Rachel Noble Says "Don't swim after a big rain"

Rachel is a marine microbial ecologist, she studies the dynamics of marine microbial food webs, specifically focusing on viral control of bacterial and algal populations. Rachel is also interested in the relationships between viruses, bacteria, and phytoplankton in terms of nutrient cycling in marine environments. In applied research, Rachel is interested in issues related to beach water quality and anthropogenic inputs to coastal ecosystems.

1. Maud's official election photo on the team for area 77
Maud's HAKA!!!
2. Maud with double Olympic medalist David Douillet, Raï Souza Viera de Oliviera and double Olympic medallist Jean-François Lamour (Minister of Sport), surround Jean-François Copé and the young future sports heros.

Raï: "I do not think that the solution comes from one man alone. I believe it will grow from many small projects"
Maud checks out the work of the students from schools
Louis Hachette and Joliot-Curie (click photo)
"Maud talked to our class from the Ecole Irène JOLIOT-CURIE who were visiting the ecole Louis Hachette, where the yole "Robinson" is being constructed, Maud is the patron of the project. Herve presented a film to the students on Maud's adventure. Then Maud told the pupils about her crossing, in a simple, alive, moving, and enthralling way, explaining her moments of ellation and those of despair (after having capsized 17 times in full storm, for example!(She also took on a lot of water she had to pump out ... Robert)). 117 days to row 8h per day, across the ocean on a boat hardly larger than the "Robinson", what an exploit!
Maud then answered all our many questions and signed autographs with much patience and kindness. Lastly, Maud saw the "Robinson" which she much admired. The morning with Maud was a time we will never forget."
The Global Women's Strike recently organized a six-city speaking tour with Nora Castañeda, President of the Women's Development Bank of Venezuela. She spoke about their new constitution and how women won recognition for unwaged work in the home as economically productive, entitling housewives to social security, prioritizing single mothers for land distribution and guaranteeing food subsidies for pregnant women before and after birth. Phoebe Jones of the GWS said, "We heard Ms. Castañeda talk about 'Creating a Caring Economy in Venezuela,' one where the economy is at the service of people, not people at the service of the economy. What women all over the world have been campaigning for over decades is becoming a reality in Venezuela. We are here defending that caring economy and protecting its gains." Government reforms in Venezuela have resulted in an additional 1.5 million children in school getting three free meals a day, 1 million adults obtaining literacy and 1.5 million people with access to drinkable water. Poverty has declined 3 percent in Venezuela, unique in Latin America, while in the US the poverty increased in the same period. Venezuela is showing the way and calling all the countries of the South to unite in defense of the survival and sovereignty of their populations. ...more
8e Percée du Vin Jaune
Monique Dugois, présidente de la Percée 2004, a procédé avec Maud Fontenoy (célèbre navigatrice), marraine de la Percée, à la mise en place du robinet et au tirage des premières gouttes du myst érieux nectar. Une clameur s’est alors élevée de la foule tandis que les verres commençaient à circuler. Au signal de la présidente, les mains se sont élevées dans un boucan digne des grandes heures de Geoffroy-Guichard. Un moment bref, mais intense que les plus éloignés ont suivi sur l’é cran géant disposé au centre du bourg. Restait alors à déguster religieusement le nectar.
(Etienne Grosjean, Jura agricole et rural, Publié le 16 février 2004)

"The combined rate of FAS and ARND is thus estimated to be at least 9.1/1,000. This conservative rate--nearly one in every 100 live births--confirms the perception of many health professionals that fetal alcohol exposure is a serious problem." Abstract
Maud Fontenoy is patron of the école Cap Marseille de voile
and first woman to row the North Atlantic Ocean West to East (the cold hard route)
~Perhaps Maud's warm heart even melted the cold fury of the Atlantic?~
Maud at BOOT 2004 Dusseldorf Germany .... (Photos Thomas & Boot)
(Click photo for slideshow) ... (Maud I know the resolution of this collage is not the best, I'm re-doing it)
Christmas with Maud on Saint Pierre. Maud remembers all the help she received from the people of this small Island south of Newfoundland when she started her row in June.
I wonder what Maud was thinking as she looked out over the ocean she took on all alone.
.... (Photos Jean-Christophe l'Espagnol)
(Click photo for slideshow)
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Dear Friends,
after returning from Saint Pierre et Miquelon where I spent such a magical Christmas I feel moved to repeat my sincere thanks to all those dear Islanders who took me into their homes and hearts and gave me such a warm welcome. While I was over there I finished writing my book "Atlantique Face Nord" (The (many) Face(s) of the North Atlantic). It will be released to the media on March 4th and on sale from March 18th at the Salon du Livre Paris.
I will be leaving for the other hemisphere in a few days to keep a promise that I made during the big storm on the 27th August when I believed I was certainly going to die. I will then very quickly return to work on my new project (..... à suivre) (mmmm now I wonder what that could be???? Robert) If you want to find out more you can attend a conférence followed by a cocktail dînatoire to raise funds for the humanitarian association "La chaîne de l' Espoir" which was held Wednesday 4 February at 19:30 at ...
La Grange du Château, SAN des Portes de la Brie, 77700 CHESSY
I wish you an excellent year 2004 with the hope that all your dreams for the new year come true ...
a big hug to you all ... Maud          ( en français )

PS: you can email me ... maud@fontenoy.com
Ocean rowing race for singles doubles and fours started at 11:00 GMT January 20th from the port of San Sebastian on the Island of Gomera in Las Canarias off the North West coast of Africa heading for a finish at Port Saint Charles on the Island of Barbados in the Caribbean ...
Emmanuel Coindre started almost 13 days before the others for Guadeloupe and has now finished and beaten Fedor Konyukhov's recent record breaking row (46days 4hours)to Barbados. Emmanuel took 42 days 14.5hours to Guadaloupe.
Jason Hart, Yorkie Lomas, Shaun Barker & Phil Langman the Awesome Foursome reached Barbados on Wednesday 25th Feb at 11:59GMT in 36days 59mins 30secs from Gomera to Barbados ... well done guys
Hey don't the boys look fit now, may be we all need to row the Atlantic?
40th Australian National Sabot Championships Bowen Queensland (Off course antics!)
(Photos: Robert Smart)...(Click photo for slideshow ... takes a minute to load)

For a composite of QuikScat ocean surface winds on the route being taken by the rowers in the regatta (Ascending and Descending passes of the satellite) click here

Robert your webmaster stressing out!!! (row@fastmail.fm)

Saint George Radio Barbados

Sam Knight's arrival in Barbados!!! .... (Photos: Diana & Stein Hoff)
Pavel Rezvoy's arrival in Barbados!!! Pavel & his wife with Tatiana Rezva-Crutchlow & Kenneth Crutchlow (executive director of the Ocean Rowing Society London) and the 2 rivals & best mates Sammy Knight & Pavel ...
(Photos: Stein Hoff)
Pavel was leading Sammy until his rudder broke and sent him way off course to the north but as you can see Pavel made a resoursefull job of fixing it ... At that stage about 10 days from the finish Sammy had pulled out all the stops and was catching up Pavel.
From the table below you can see that Pavel lost a bit over a day's progress while he fixed the rudder plus he was off course.

PAVEL 45 46 24 17 54 47 47 46 48 45 43 52 nm/day
    (repair days 24+17=43nm)
SAM     57 56 67 60 65 49 66 59 50 42           nm/day
March   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 date

So if Pavel's rudder had not broken he would have arrived about 18 hours behind Sammy.
But that is not allowing for the fact that working on the rudder would have tired Pavel and spoilt his daily rythme. Also the partly broken rudder may have been slowing Pavel for a few days before it broke.
Arrival of Sally and Sarah Kettle in Barbados on 5th May rowing Calderdale the Yorkshire Challenger. Sarah's husband, Sally's dad gives them both a big hug ...
Maud & Pilot at the Salon Nautique Exhibition in Paris .... (Photos Jacques de Rostolan et Jérôme Marcillet)
Rondo from Mozart's Horn Concerto no4
Buena Vista Social Club El Carretera (The Wagon)
Why "Rock Ranger" from Sydney Nova Scotia on Cape Breton Island & Karen Matheson of the Scottish group Capercaillie singing a Cape Breton song??? ... Well Maud spent Christmas just off the South coast of Newfoundland and North East of Sydney Nova Scotia on the French Island of Saint Pierre where she started her epic rowing adventure ... Robert
Newsletter 1 from Maud

Dear Friends,
during my 4 months of solitude on the ocean you followed my progress and encouraged me. I will never be able to thank you enough for your support. Until my website is live again I will let you know by email about interesting events that will be happening in my now busy schedule ... (Salon Nautique exhibition, interviews on TV and radio, the release of a book about my voyage, conferences, visits to schools, colleges etc ...)
The first exciting news it that my faithful boat Pilot will be on display at the Radio France stand(Hall 1 Isle J Stand 10 or Hall 1 Isle F Stand 80) in the Salon Nautique exhibition in "Porte de Versailles" Paris.
I will be on the stand to answer all your questions on Saturday 6th December from 11:30 to 12:30, Monday 8th from 17:00 to 18:00, Wednesday 10th from 15:00 to 16:00 and Sunday 14th from 16:00 to 17:00. Please come along, you are all welcome, and once again a very big thank you for all your moving words of encouragement that helped me so much during my long crossing.
A big hug to you all ... Maud          ( en français )
click photo for slideshow
Maud's team could not charter a boat to go out and support Maud on her way in, so she had to make her own way down the coast of Galicia to La Coruna at night, which is why she kept well offshore.
Maud that was a really inspired piece of night navigation (and facing the wrong way to see the lights too) (Maud's dad chartered a boat and left Wednesday night to go and look for Maud and tow Pilot the last 8nm into the harbour ... La Voz de Galicia)... Robert



"Votre courage et votre volonté ont été plus forts que les nombreux problèmes techniques, les chavirages répétitifs et la très grande solitude qu'il vous a fallu vaincre."

(Hand written message of congratulation from French President Jacques Chirac to Maud)

Maud starting out on her epic adventure

Maud rows into history at the end of her voyage across the North Atlanic
(Photos Studio ZEDDA, Jean-Christophe L'Espagnol & Jacques VAPILLON)

CLICK HERE for details of Maud's voyage

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